Train Stations in Ahlbeck
The train/railway station of Ahlbeck (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Ahlbeck Railway Station
Bahnhof Ahlbeck
Ahlbeck is one of the so-called three "Kaiserbäder" (imperial baths) on the island of Usedom. The place is located on the route of the UBB railway (Usedomer Bäderbahn) which runs between Stralsund and Polish Świnoujście. Ahlbeck there are basically three stations or stops. In addition to the central station, there are "Ahlbeck Therme" and "Ahlbeck Grenze".

Ahlbeck Grenze Railway Station
Bahnhof Ahlbeck Grenze
The railway station Ahlbeck Grenze (Germany). One of the three stations of Ahlbeck. This is the last station on the German side (border station). The UBB train continues until Świnoujście (Poland).

Ahlbeck Ostseetherme Railway Station
Bahnhof Ahlbeck Ostseetherme
One of the three stations of Ahlbeck is located directly at the spa.

Ahlbeck Bus Station
Fernbushaltestelle Ahlbeck
The long distance bus station of Ahlbeck (Germany): Fernbushaltestelle Ahlbeck. Stop of Flixbus long distance buses.