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Train Stations in Ajaccio
The train/railway station of Ajaccio (France). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Ajaccio Railway Station
Gare d'Ajaccio
The railway station of Ajaccio (France): Gare d'Ajaccio.

Les Salines Railway Stop
Point d'arrêt des Salines
The railway station of Les Salines in Ajaccio (France): Point d'arrêt - Les Salines

Campo dell'Oro Railway Stop
Gare de Campo dell'Oro
The railway station Campo dell'Oro in Ajaccio (France): Campo dell'Oro.

Ajaccio Airport
Aéroport d'Ajaccio
There are four airports in Corsica (Bastia, Calvi, Figari and Ajaccio). The Aéroport d'Ajaccio Napoléon Bonaparte (also known as "Campo dell'Oro") is located on the west coast of the island. Flights from/to France and some Western European cities.