Culture in Athens
Culture to see and visit in Athens (Greece). From events to old, culturally significant buildings.

National Archaeological Museum Athens
Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο
The National Archaeological Museum of Athens is the largest archaeological museum in Greece and one of the most important museums in the world devoted to ancient Greek art. It was founded at the end of the 19th century to house and protect antiquities from all over Greece, thus displaying their historical, cultural and artistic value.

Railway Museum of Athens
Σιδηροδρομικό Μουσείο Αθήνα
The Railroad Museum of Athens or otherwise the Museum of Greek Railways is the largest railway museum in Greece and was established in 1979. It consists of two main buildings and courtyard area that is designated for outdoor events, including entertainment and children's train. Entrance and guided tours are FREE. The exhibition area of the Railway Museum of Athens spans six rooms: In the first room, which is located on the ground floor, exposed: Hand and foot draizines. Surveying instruments, drawings, photographs. In the second room, also on the ground floor, exposed: locomotives, passenger cars, manual fire pumps and fire extinguishers. Various models of rolling stock, various tables with technical data locomotives. In C hall, which operates on two levels, ground floor and first floor, exposed: - Equipment stations (tickets boring machines, manual machines print tickets, old tickets, maps, schedules, seals, trumpets, lanterns, telegraph and telegraphic equipment, watches , handsets) - Printed material (stocks, contracts, regulations holding brochures pricing policy) - Uniform uniforms and accessories (buttons, pilikia), historical photographs staff. In the fourth room, which is on the ground floor, exposed: A workshop with machinery manufacture about 1882. Steam boiler, steam powered water pumps, lights locomotives. Various machines (Drapanos, manual press, etc.). Various organs locomotives (gauges, tachometers, etc.). Showcase with printed manuals and regulations of railway companies. R room, which is located on the first floor, exposed: miscellaneous furniture, drawings, pieces of crockery food, etc from old royal vehicles. In VI hall, which is also exposed to floor: Models rolling stock. Chart locomotive brake. Phone: 210-5297517 and 210-5297548