Train Stations in Bad Hersfeld
The train/railway station of Bad Hersfeld (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Bad Hersfeld Railway Station
Bahnhof Bad Hersfeld
Small train station on the route Frankfurt/Main to Dresden. The train station of Bad Hersfeld is one of about 240 German railway stations of category 3 and is significance for public transportation. So I was rather disappointed with the facilities. A travel center I've seen, nothing else. A shop must have been there some times ago. However, it is currently (March 2016) closed. One can neither purchase something to eat nor drink at this station. Not even a beverage vending machine. I have not discovered a waiting room and/or luggage lockers.

Bad Hersfeld Bus Station
Busbahnhof Bad Hersfeld
The bus station of Bad Hersfeld (Germany): Busbahnhof Bad Hersfeld.