Sightseeing in Bad Homburg
Sightseeing in Bad Homburg (Germany). What you have to visit at your stay in Bad Homburg.

Trip to the Saalburg
Ausflug zur Saalburg
The castle Saalburg is a Roman fort. It belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Limes. The Saalburg can easily be reached from Bad Homburg by the city bus. It is bus line number 5 from the station via stop Kurhaus (downtown) to the Saalburg. Important: on weekdays the bus runs only every two hours. On weekends every hour. The journey from Bad Homburg to the castle Saalburg is about 20 minutes. *** Opening times *** March to October: daily 0900-1800 h November to February: Daily except Mondays from 0900-1600 h *** Admission *** Adults pay the entrance hall of the Saalburg EUR 5. And what else? There is also a dining facility - the "TABERNA" (access only from the inside of the castle, not accessible from outside.)

City tour of Bad Homburg on your own
Stadtrundgang Bad Homburg in Eigenregie
The tourist information offers (only on Friday and Saturday afternoon) guided walking tours. Those who are in town on a different time, I recommend the booklet "Bad Homburg - Walks" (Bad Homburg - Rundgänge). Available for EUR 0,50 at the Tourist Information Office in the spa and congress center (Kur- und Kongresszentrum). With this booklet you can easily explore Bad Homburg independently by yourself. I have tested this tour several times and liked it very much. The tour starts at the KURHAUS, ie directly in the center of the city. First you visit the city center and the Old Town. Here the route in short form. If you explore Bad Homburg on your own, you will find everywhere (in the caslte park and in town) information boards for more details. I added some information about the particular attractions in parentheses. Louisenstraße - Thomasstraße - Dorotheenstraße. There you get first to the: *** HÖLDERLIN-HAUS *** (Rebuilt in 1986. Here the poet Friedrich Hölderlin lived from 1804 - 1805) continue to: *** STADTBIBLIOTHEK *** (city library) (Built around 1820 as a courthouse. Until 1965 the district court. Since 1975 the city library.) *** MARIENKIRCHE (katholisch) *** (Mary's church - Roman Catholic) (Built in 1892-1895 by Ludwig Becker, master builder in Mainz.) *** WOHNHAUS FRIEDRICH ROLLE *** (In this house lived from 1862 to 1887 the geologist Friedrich Rolle, 1827 - 1887). *** today HTG-gym, in the past CHURCH ST. JAKOB *** (Built in 1715-1724 as a protestant church; Catholic church from 1812 to 1895; Gym since 1906) *** ERLÖSERKIRCHE (protestant) *** (church) (Built in 1893 - 1908 by Francis Schwechten designed by Spitta, sponsored by Kaiser Wilhelm II) and a little further the SINCLAIR-HAUS. This is also at the the SCHLOSSPARK (castle park) with LANDGRAFENSCHLOSS and the: *** WEISSER TURM *** (white tower) Castle Keep of the medieval Homburg built in the 14th century and finalized in 15000. In the 17th century included as a "landmark" and a symbol of authority in the re-construction of the castle. Todays entry of the 17th century - slightly offset the medieval access in 15 meters height. Visit the Guardian loss (Wächtergangs ) and tower room (Türmerstube) inside of the tower possible. Small permanent exhibition. [The entrance fee is EUR 1 per person. Get the key for the tower in the museum shop.] ... arrived. Here I recommend a further leaflet "Schloss und Schlosspark Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe" (Castle and Park Bad Homburg). Available for free in the museum shop or the lobby. In the first booklet you won't find as much details like in the one mentioned here. Details about: the lower courtyard, clock tower wing, English wing / Elizabeth wing, library wings, upper courtyard, archive wing, kingside, Rose Terrace, Lebanon cedar, bush garden, orangery, court gardener, upper garden with carpet beds, vases, Quarry / 'Goethe's rest, Weinberg, dairy farm, pond, stream, imagination, Esskastanienhain, stately orchard, Elizabeth path / Tannenwaldallee, island garden / lawn tennis, anniversary column. Of course there are offered various tours of the castle as well. Then you can (after visiting the White Tower) leave the castle via the Herrengasse. Then you reach the RITTER-VON-MARX-BRÜCKE. Continue to the Old Town. There you will find first: *** HEXENTURM *** (witches tower) (Part of the fortifications of the 14th century. New built in 1905.) then the: *** RATHAUSTURM *** (city hall tower) (Part of the fortifications of the 14th century. Between 1603 and 1656 here, the victims of the witch craze in office Homburg were detained pending the execution.) and then the: *** STUMPFE TURM *** (Part of the fortifications of the 14th century. Battlements 1824th Renewed in 1955 and 1977.) Now it is not far to the: *** ÄLTESTEN HAUS Bad Homburgs *** (oldest house) (The oldest dated house in the old town, built from 1505 to 1508 and renovated 1989 - 1991) By the way this house was awarded with the architectural prize in 1991. [From here Google translation - will translate it soon] You should take your time and look at the streets in peace. It really is all very nicely renovated. If you've seen everything, you go a bit further towards the spa to Elizabeth Street. There is - at the spot where once stood the synagogue - the *** DENKMAL FÜR DIE JÜDISCHEN MITBÜRGER *** (memorial of the Jewish citizens) (Before this house was the synagogue of the Jewish community of Bad Homburg. Built by Christian Holler, was inaugurated on 9 November 1866. Set the fire and destroyed on 10 November 1938.) Then return to Louis Street. After a few steps you meet the *** ENGEL-APOTHEKE *** (angel pharmacy) (The oldest pharmacy in the city. Opened in 1684 in the old town. Since 1750 in this house. Rebuilt in 1901 by Louis Jacobi and provided with a timber.) and then reaches the market place with the lantern fountain. We continue to *** WAISENHAUSPLATZ and EHEMALIGEN WAISENHAUS*** (Donated in 1721 by Landgrave Friedrich III. Jacob. Second oldest orphanage in Germany.) and the *** HOFAPOTHEKE *** (Founded in 1716 in the Dorothy Street. Moved here in 1829.) and the *** ALTEN POSTAMT *** (old post office - today it is in a branch of "Butlers") (Built in 1893 as an imperial empire building sport, it served until 1972 as a post office) and then it is right back at the starting point, the KURHAUS. In front of the Kurhaus way is a red telephone box. A sign lets us know: "This cell phone was given to mark the 25th anniversary of the twinning of the town of Exeter City of Bad Homburg (May 12, 1990). Who has the time and desire to continue the investigation course through the city, is now either through the spa and outdoor spa garden, through the through or left / right past it. I recommend going to the left over (ie through the streets, "Swedish Path", for here is to read on a house: "Old Hotel" Cafe du Parc "from 1680 Windsor. Later Palace Hotel. In this house lived in 1870, the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. In 1872 held here on the English novelist George Eliot. Your Homburger impressions received in the novels" The Gambler "( Dostoyevsky) and "Daniel Deronda" (Eliot) a. " Then you cross the Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade and thus enters the KURPARK. There is the *** DENKMAL von PETER JOSEPH LENNÉ *** (memorial) (Creator of the Spa Park) the HÖLDERLIN MEMORIAL, the SCHWANENTEICH (swan pond), the *** SIAMESISCHEN TEMPEL *** (The SALA THAI in 1983 jointly by the Kingdom of Thailand and the Kur-und Kongress-GmbH Bad Homburg, with the help of the Department of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education of Thailand restored.) The TENNIS COURTS, the BRUNNENALLEE, the *** KAISER-WILHELMS-BAD *** (bath) (Constructed in 1887 - 1890 of Louis Jacobi) the GAMBLING, the various FOUNTAIN (Emperor Fountain, Fountain steel, Auguste-Victoria Fountain, Fountain Landgraf, Louis Fountain, *** Elisabethenbrunnen *** (Elizabeth Fountain) (Medicinal water with pharmacological activity due to its composition is not as Trinkwassser for everyday enjoyment and not intended for use over long periods without ärzliche Regulation recommended daily dose.. Do not drink more than 1 liter per day!) BLINDENGARTEN to the LANDGRAFENDENKMAL, the spa-Taunus Therme, the *** GOLFPLATZ *** (The oldest golf course in Germany, since 1889) the *** RUSSISCHE KIRCHE *** (Russian church) (The main founders of All Saints Church, Exc. AI Proworoff secret Imperial Council of State to honor the memory of Bad Homburg on 23 09th, 1949, the day of its 50th anniversary.) The AGNON MEMORIAL, the SCHMUCKPLATZ and then return back to KURHAUS. My list does not claim to completeness. Of course I'm still not all explored. Still think (hope) I realized that I was a little town that you get closer.