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Train Stations in Bilbao
The train/railway station of Bilbao (Spain). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Bilbao Abando - RENFE Railway Station
Estación de Tren de Bilbao Abando - RENFE
The railway station Bilbao Abando is the stop of the RENFE trains in Bilbao (Spain).

Bilbao Concordia - FEVE Railway Station
Estación de Tren de Bilbao Concordia - FEVE
The narrow gauge station is located directly next to the Renfe stations. The Basque country is mainly served via these connections. La Concordia has daily trains running to: - Santander(change to Oviedo) - Balmaseda - León (many Renfe connections)

Bilbao Atxuri Euskotren Railway Station
Estación de Euskotren de Bilbao Atxuri
Bilbao Atxuri is an Euskotren train station. Start and end from the trains to Donostie / San Sebastian.