Culture in Bruges
Culture to see and visit in Bruges (Belgium). From events to old, culturally significant buildings.
BelgiumChurch of Our Lady Bruges
The church tower of the Church of Our Lady (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk) in Bruges is 122 meters high so you can't miss it (it's the one you can see from railway station). In the Church of Our Lady is a sculpture of Michelangelo "Our Lady and the Infant" Tickets are EUR 4 for adults, EUR 3 for 65-> and EUR 1 for age up to 25 (I'm sorry I don't remember the children ticket prices, maybe it was under 6 for free...) And with the same ticket you can go to 10 different museums in Brugge: Archeologie, *Brugse Vrije, Gentpoort, Gruuthuse, Koeleweimolen, *O.L.V.-Kerk, Sint-Janshuismolen, *Stadhuis, Volkskunde, Gezelle. Museums are closed on Mondays except the ones with a star.