Other locations in Budapest
More locations in Budapest (Hungary), which does not fit in one of the other categories.

Rudas Bath
The Rudas Bath is a very beautiful thermal bath on the Western side of the city close to the Elizabeth Bridge. You can easily cross the Bridge by feet - very impressing when it is illuminated at night. This thermal bath is quite old and seems very traditional. It includes a swimming pool, vapor-baths and also a small sauna. The people at the entrance barely speak English and the price is also not that cheap, but the feeling on the skin after having been in the several pools is really relaxing - it is worth going there! Special: on Fridays and Saturdays the bath is opened until 4 o'clock in the morning! The opening times of the swimming pool and also the visit of both gender, women and men, is restricted to several days of the week. You should pay attention before going there. There are several websites in English, German and Hungarian.