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Canada by train
How to travel in Canada by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Canada: To travel in Canada by train, you have a good network on the East coast (Atlantic).
Famous long-distance trains cross Canada such as the The "Canadian" from East to West (Toronto-Vancouver). And the The "Ocean" from South to North (Montreal-Halifax).
If no train connection is available travel by bus or use a flight.
Find schedules and buy your ticket (train, bus or flight) via the given booking links.
Famous long-distance trains cross Canada such as the The "Canadian" from East to West (Toronto-Vancouver). And the The "Ocean" from South to North (Montreal-Halifax).
If no train connection is available travel by bus or use a flight.
Find schedules and buy your ticket (train, bus or flight) via the given booking links.
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Canada - USA
To travel from Canada to USA by train, you have two train routes to cross the border. One in the East from Montreal or Toronto to New York City. One in the West from Vancouver to Seattle.
As the railway network is not dense in both countries, often a bus or flight might be an addition or option.
Find exact train and bus schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.