Other locations in Cavan
More locations in Cavan (Ireland), which does not fit in one of the other categories.

Nowhere special
Travel through fields, sightseeing with cattle. Never run if a cow comes toward you. Stand your ground. Jump at them if you want them to stop coming toward you. But I repeat do not run and never ever turn your back to them. Lie in the grass calmly if you want them to surround you curiously. (They will not harm you when you lie on the ground) However I would not advise this if a cow is already running straight for you. In that case, jump toward them and while they run away walk backwards until you are inaccessible. That's really all there is to do in my area - as well as sheep. - but you don't need to take any precautions with lamb or sheep... just don't get in the field with a ram.