Denmark by train
How to travel in Denmark by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
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Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
Denmark - Czech Republic
Travel from Denmark to Czech via Berlin (Germany). In Berlin you have to change trains. The saver fare tickets start from 39 EUR and you can book the whole trip in one train ticket.
Find exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Denmark - Germany
To travel from Denmark to Germany by train, use one of the daily connections which usually runs via Hamburg. Please use the following booking links to find schedules and ticket prices. The "Europe Special" price of Deutsche Bahn is available from EUR 39. As earlier you book, as cheaper the prices are.
If you want to include a night train, there is currently only one IC train travelling overnight from Copenhagen (Denmark) to Hamburg (Germany). In 2021 a new line will open from Stockholm via Copenhagen to Hamburg and Berlin.
Denmark - Sweden
To buy a train ticket from Denmark to Sweden, have a look at the booking links. Depending on where you start in Denmark, you first have to buy a ticket from your starting place to Copenhagen. From Copenhagen, buy a second train ticket to your destination in Sweden.
There are frequent train connections from everywhere in Denmark to Copenhagen. Copenhagen is the main hub to continue to Sweden and Scandinavia in general. There are direct trains going from Copenhagen to Gothenburg and Stockholm.
Otherwise first travel via the Öresund Bridge (train runs every 20 minutes) to Malmö (Sweden), from where you continue to your destination in Sweden.