InterCity Hotel Düsseldorf / Düsseldorf
InterCity Hotel Düsseldorf
Steigenberger InterCity Hotels are ideal for train travelers, as they are located on or close to a railway station. The InterCityHotel Düsseldorf is located directly beside the main railway station (ICE train connections). To the city center it is less than 1 km of walk. In InterCityHotels the...
Steigenberger InterCity Hotels are ideal for train travelers, as they are located on or close to a railway station.
The InterCityHotel Düsseldorf is located directly beside the main railway station (ICE train connections). To the city center it is less than 1 km of walk.
In InterCityHotels the hotel card is also the ticket for public transport.
The InterCity Hotel Dresden has 146 rooms.
Guests can check in the InterCityHotel Düsseldorf from 14:00h and have to leave the room on departure at 12:00h. I find it very pleasant.
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