Sightseeing in Eisenach
Sightseeing in Eisenach (Germany). What you have to visit at your stay in Eisenach.

The Wartburg is THE landmark of the city. Since 1999 an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Entrance fee: EUR 9

Bach House Eisenach
Bachhaus Eisenach
The Bach House in Eisenach (Germany). An exhibition dedicated to the life of Johann Sebastian Bach. Opening times: daily from 10:00 - 18:00h. Entrance fee: Adult EUR 8.50

Lutherhaus Eisenach
The Luther House in Eisenach is an old half-timbered house. Here lived Martin Luther during his school years 1498-1501. NOTE: As of February 2014, the Luther House is temporarily (until 2015) housed in the Creutznacher House (Markt 9).