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Train Stations in Emden
The train/railway station of Emden (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Emden Central Railway Station
Hauptbahnhof Emden
The main railway station of Emden (Germany) is one of about 240 German railway stations of category 3 and is significance for public transportation. The infrastructure provides the necessary information systems and shopping offers.

Ferry to Borkum
Fähre nach Borkum
From Emden you can reach the island of Borkum by ferry.

Emden-Außenhafen Railway Station
Bahnhof Emden-Außenhafen
If you want to get to the ferry, use the train station "Emden-Außenhafen". But you have to change the train in Emden Hauptbahnhof to get here.