Interrail rule for night trains
If you are on a train (night train) after midnight, you do not need to enter another day of travel in your Interrail ticket. You just stay on the train until you get off. Only the day of departure is therefore a day of travel. For example: you leave Rome for Venice on 22 August at 11:00 am. You therefore enter 22 August as the day of travel in your Interrail ticket. In the evening you take the night train from Venice to Vienna leaving at 20:00. The night train arrives in Vienna on 23 August at 08:00 am. Although you will arrive in Vienna on 23 August, you do not need to enter another day of travel for this. The 22nd of August, your departure day, is sufficient. The old 19:00 o'clock regulation for night trains no longer applies. Here we list all night trains of Europe with the reservation fees which apply and where to get these reservations.