Culture in Erfurt
Culture to see and visit in Erfurt (Germany). From events to old, culturally significant buildings.

Willy Brandt Memorial
The lettering "Willy Brandt ans Fenster" (Willy Brandt to the window) lights (directly opposite the train station) on the former hotel "Erfurter Hof". On 19 March 1970, the first German-German summit was held in Erfurt between German Chancellor Willy Brandt and East German prime minister Willi Stoph. It was the beginning of the new Eastern Germany policy of Willy Brandt (SPD - social democratic party of Germany). The Erfurt residents crowded - despite cordon by police and State Security - on the station forecourt and shouting "Willy Brandt ans Fenster!" (Willy Brandt to the window!). Whereupon he showed after some hesitation.

Art break - viewing the Anger Museum Erfurt
Kunstpause - Bildbetrachtung im Angermuseum Erfurt
The Anger Museum is located at the junction of Bahnhofstraße/Anger, therefore, at THE intersection in the city center. This is probably why every tourist crosses by. By the way: all trams cross here as well. This beautiful building is in the Baroque period originated. It has a magnificent facade. Today it houses the Museum of Fine Arts. Already in 1886 a gallery was opened here. For more than one year they offer the Art Break (Kunstpause), every Wednesday from 13:00h to 13:10h. Entrance is free. They offer a ten minute photo viewing (with explanations about the artist and the work). The whole thing is under the motto "Relax ... switch off ...". There is a small free trip into the world of art. One can be inspired. Thought is the art of break as an invitation to look, as a school of vision. Maybe you can also lose reservations. It is also an invitation for an entertaining look at a painting. Those who are guests of our city, should have a look on it, when you are there at this time. Please note: Jackets and bags must be done in a locker (in the basement). For the safety deposit box, you need a 1-Euro coin. At the museum you are not able to change. Well-maintained toilets are also in the basement of the museum.

Lunchtime concert at the Theater Erfurt
Mittagskonzert im Theater Erfurt
Four years ago, the series of lunchtime concerts was introduced. In the meantime, these events (about once a month and every Thursday) are very popular and well attended. "Lunch concert" means: for every symphony, the concert invites to the musical lunch break. Beginning of each 12:30h (end: 13:00h). You should be already there at 12:00h due to the big demand. You can enter at approximately 12:15h. The entrance is free but a voluntary mite welcome of course.

Kinoklub Erfurt
Small cinema. Quite different from Cinemax, Cinestar and the rest of the big ones. Here you won't see the standard big blockbusters. You will find special movies of different styles. You can also express wishes which films you want to see. Cinema of a different kind - small but very nice and friendly. Tickets: only 22 of the 52 available sears can be reserved with a maximum of 2 days in advance. Ticke sale daily from 16:00h. You wont fin here popcorn and soda. In the club room/café you can buy (30 minutes before the performance - and only with a valid ticket!) wine and nibbles as well as soft drinks or coffee. Certainly not for everyone, but if you are looking for something special, this is the place!

Cabaret - Die Arche
Kabarett - Die Arche
Since 1986 the theater "Waidspeicher" is the home of the "Arche" (ark). The ground floor has a puppet theater. On the 1st floor is a bar. The cabaret is set in the upper floor of the "Waidspeicher". The auditorium of the cabaret is fitted with comfortable leather chairs for about 120 spectators.

Eating a Cactus
Kaktus essen
An extraordinary experience ... The events take place at the company Kakteen-Haage in Erfurt. Kakteen-Haage is also one of the traditional Thuringian companies. It exists since 1822 and has the oldest cactus-breeding in Europe. It takes place twice a year. And it was a brilliant 5-course meal. In each course a cactus occurs.

Erfurter Puppenstubenmuseum
Opened in September 2014 - small, but nice. Something hidden location, but very close to the Cathedral Square. Opening times: Tuesday - Thursday 11:00 - 17:00h Friday 11:00 - 19:00h Saturday / Sunday 11:00 - 17:00h closed on Mondays Holidays 11:00 - 17:00h Entrance fee: Adult = 3.50 EUR

Festival of Music
Fest der Musik
For the first time the "Musikfest" (Fete de la Musique) took place in 1982 in Paris. Meanwhile it is every year in 540 cities worldwide, 300 cities in Europe, 50 cities in Germany.