Sightseeing in Erfurt
Sightseeing in Erfurt (Germany). What you have to visit at your stay in Erfurt.

Krämerbrücke Erfurt
Only inhabited bridge north of the Alps, with many small shops.

Cathedral Square Erfurt
Domplatz Erfurt
The architectural ensemble of the Cathedral and the Severi Church are dominating this place. The Cathedral Square can be compared well in its size with famous places other European cities. And with its size, it is a leading one: - Il Campo in Siena: about 11.700 m² - Piazza della Signoria in Florence: about 13.800 m² - Piazza San Marco and Piazzetta, Venice: about 18.600 m² - Piazza del Popolo in Rome: about 25.200 - Cathedral Square in Erfurt: 34.500 m² - Piazza del Duomo in Pisa: about 43.500 m²

Haus zum Breiten Herd in Erfurt
Built during the Renaissance. Magnificent mansion. Representation on the facade of the five senses.

Haus zum Roten Ochsen in Erfurt
Magnificent town house (1562). Representation on the facade of the Greek Muses and the planetary gods. *** Muses *** - EUTERPA (also Euterpe: lyric poetry, flute) - KLIO (also Kleio, Clio: history and epic poetry) - THALIA (also Thaleia: Comedy) - ERATO (lyric poetry, erotic poetry) - POLINMIA (including Polyhymnia, Polymnia: speech, word, mime) - MELPOMENE (song, tragedy) - TERPSICHORE (playing the lyra, dance) - URANIA (astronomy) *** Planetary gods *** - LUNA - MERCURIUS - VENUS - SOL - JUPITER - MARS - SATURN Today the building from the Middle Ages houses, the ERFURT KUNSTHALLE. Opening times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 - 17:00 h Thursday 11:00 - 20:00 h Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 18:00 h Bank Holiday 11:00 - 18:00 h Entrance fee: Normal = 5 EUR per adult Free admission for visitors with Erfurt-Card or Thüringen-Card. There are sometimes free admission for all visitors (for a time was selected Saturdays, according to the current arrangements probably the first Tuesday of every month. But do not guarantee!) Note: at the entrance are lockers available.

Gildehaus Erfurt
The guild house in Erfurt is a magnificent mansion (1892-92). On the facade depicting the four cardinal virtues: justice, prudence, courage and moderation.

Erfurt City Hall
Rathaus Erfurt
- in the neo-Gothic style - built in the years 1870 to 1875, at the same point of the former old City Hall, the old town hall came from the Gothic and Renaissance. - the walls of the stairwell, corridors and the ballroom are decorated with motifs/paintings of Erfurt and the Thuringian history and mythology. The paintings in the stairwell and in the hallways depict scenes from the legend of the Count of Gleichen, from Luther's life, from the Faust legend and the Tannhäuser saga (all pictures in the stairwell and hallways are labeled in several languages so that every visitor finds explanations of the paintings. In the ballroom is a folder with appropriate explanations).

Thüringer Staatskanzlei Erfurt
In the former governor's office is now located the Thuringian State Chancellery. It is one of the finest and most representative buildings of the city of Erfurt. The house has a checkered history. In the brochure you can read: "From the former mansion residence of a governor, the Prussian government building to the Imperial Palace in the days of Napoleon." The house was rebuilt again and again and extended. The building complex consists of two wings (East and West Wings) which are connected by a middle building, where is also the main entrance. The courtyard between the buildings received a representative organization with four symmetrically arranged wells during conversion in the 90s of last century

Erfurt in 45 Minutes
Erfurt in 45 Minuten
To everyone who has a short stop in Erfurt, it is recommended to have a tour around Erfurt with the "Old Town Express" Myself did this trip once when I had guests from Hong Kong. As part of this tour several stops are served, located at the main attractions. So you get in a short time at least an overview of what the city has to offer. From the station take the tram to the Domplatz (Cathedral Square). There is the ... [b]Start and End point of the tour[/b] Special Old Town Tour stop "Domplatz Süd" (Attention!! It is not the station where you arrive by tram from the station, but on the other side of the Marktstraße!) [b]Price[/b] Adults: EUR 7,00 per person Reduced rate: EUR 5,00 per person (children / pupils / students / disabled) [b]Duration of the tour[/b] 45 minutes (without stopovers and visits!) Note: Of course it would be much better to have more time to so the visit could be more intense, but if time is short this tour is an acceptable alternative. [b]Dates[/b] * April * Wednesday - Sunday, public holiday 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 * May - October * daily 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 every Friday and Saturday 16:30 * 1 - 26 november * Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 * 27 November - 23 December * daily 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 every Saturday and Sunday 16:30 Note: I personally think this tour much better than trips to the (historic) tram.

Get know Erfurt along a route of 36 stops
Erfurt kennenlernen entlang einer Route mit 36 Stationen
The Erfurt Tourist Information (on Benedict Place, located at the corner of the Town Hall) offers the opportunity to rent an electronic city guide. It is called "i-tour". It works like a smartphone, you can experience an audio-visual tour of the city. You can rent the unit for four hours. The costs EUR 7.50. The connection of a second headphone is possible. For this you pay a further 2.00 EUR. If you want to use the device for more than four hours, then you pay for each additional hour again EUR 1.00. We tried it out today. And I thought fours are enough - but I must say that this is almost tight. Although today I had not even more time available, I would so do a tour but once again with more time. Along the route you have the following attractions: - Krämerbrücke - Fischmarkt - Haus zum Güldenen Rade - Allerheiligenkirche - Petersberg - Dom und Severi - Domplatz - Waidspeicher - Haus zum Sonneborn - Engelsburg - Waagegasse und Alte Synagoge - Haus zum Schwarzen Horn - Haus zum Güldenen Krönbacken - Collegium majus und Michaeliskirche - Haus zum Güldenen Stern - Haus zur Großen Arche Noa und Engelsburg - Andreasviertel und Andreaskirche - Augustinerkloster - Dämmchen und Armenburse - Haus zur Steinecke - Schottenkirche - Haus zum Alten Schwan - Ägidienkirche und Wenigemarkt - Futterstraße - Johannesstraße/Haus zum Stockfisch - Kaufmannskirche - Ursulinenkloster und Anger - Anger und Angermuseum - Bartholomäusturm - Angerbrunnen - Staatskanzlei - Predigerkirche - Barfüßerkirche - Neue Mühle - Denkmal Till Eulenspiegel - Kleine Synagoge Our conclusion: Yes, you manage the route in four hours. But I recommend to take more time if possible.