Accommodation in Espinho
Hotels and hostels in Espinho (Portugal). How and where to book the cheapest and best accommodation. Recommended by travellers.
PortugalYouthhostel Espinho
Pousada de Juventude de Espinho
The hostel is a little bit out of city center, but if you know the way only once, then it certainly does one walk. It is not well described. It also runs a minibus (bus stop at the casino). The reception staff are very friendly and give lots of information on arrival. The hostel is new and modern, nicely furnished rooms. The Atlantic beach is within walking distance in about 25 to 30 minutes; Several times a day you can take a minibus to the center of the city (from the hostel but also about 10 minutes to get off the minibus); In the area around the hostel is NOTHING A picnic on the Atlantic can be very beautiful. The nearest supermarket (on the way to the city) is Novo Oriente.