Train Stations in Figueres
The train/railway station of Figueres (Spain). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Figueres Vilafant Railway Station
Estación de Tren de Figueres Vilafant
The railway station "Vilafant" in Figueres (Spain): Estación de Tren de Figueres Vilafant. From here the TGV high-speed-trains start to France. There is an other station for RENFE trains in Figueres called "Estació". Between both stations you have a bus connection.

Figueres Railway Station
Estación de Tren de Figueres
The RENFE station in Figueres (Spain) called "Estació": Estación de Tren de Figueres. There is an other station in Figueres called "Vilafant" from where the TGV high-speed-trains start to France. Between both stations you have a connection by bus.