Delicious Currywurst / Freiburg im Breisgau
Lecker Currywurst
The truly best Currywurst in town you get at the "Mensa Drei". Select from different sauces, ranging from "Winnie Weichei" (normal) to "Feurig" (spicy). The "Mensa Drei" is a Currywurst food stand made the other way. With the exception of mayonnaise and ketchup, there are only homemade sauces withou...
The truly best Currywurst in town you get at the "Mensa Drei". Select from different sauces, ranging from "Winnie Weichei" (normal) to "Feurig" (spicy). The "Mensa Drei" is a Currywurst food stand made the other way. With the exception of mayonnaise and ketchup, there are only homemade sauces without flavor enhancers.
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