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Train Stations in Friedrichshafen
The train/railway station of Friedrichshafen (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Friedrichshafen-Stadt Railway Station
Bahnhof Friedrichshafen-Stadt
The Stadtbahnhof (station in the city) of Friedrichshafen (Germany).

Friedrichshafen-Airport Railway Station
Bahnhof Friedrichshafen-Flughafen
The railway station at the airport of Friedrichshafen (Germany).

Friedrichshafen-Ost Railway Station
Bahnhof Friedrichshafen-Ost
The station Friedrichshafen Ost (East). If you want to go in the youth hostel, this station is closer than the central station or port. However, not all trains stop at this station.

Friedrichshafen Hafen Railway Station
Bahnhof Friedrichshafen Hafen
The railway station at the harbour of Friedrichshafen (Germany): Bahnhof Friedrichshafen Hafen.