Train Stations in Füssen
The train/railway station of Füssen (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Füssen Railway Station
Bahnhof Füssen
The railway station of Füssen (Germany). To get to the Castle Neuschwanstein continue by bus number 73 direction: Hohenschwangau, Schwangau (Schlösser). Departure directly in front of the railway station. One-way: EUR 2,10 (pay in the bus).

Füssen bus station
Busbahnhof Füssen
The bus station is just beside the railway station. Bus connection to Neuschwanstein Castle which is located in Hohenschwangau, just four kilometres away from here. You have frequent bus connections to the castle. Take bus number 73 (direction of Steingaden / Garmisch-Partenkirchen) or bus number 78 (direction of Schwangau). Exit at "Hohenschwangau, Schwangau (Schlösser)": easy, as everyone leaves the bus there. The bus runs every 30 minutes. Journey time is 10 minutes. One-way in the bus is EUR 2,10 - pay in the bus to the driver.