Sightseeing in Hanover
Sightseeing in Hanover (Germany). What you have to visit at your stay in Hanover.

Der Rote Faden
A 4.2 km long line (opposite the railway station marked on the pavement slabs with red dots with the caption "Der Rote Faden") leads to Hanover's sights. Note: There is a booklet (available in the Tourist Information Office) or an app for iPhone and iPad. The booklet costs 3 EUR. PS: It should - as an extension - even give a blue thread.

Der Blaue Faden
The supplementary round for Red Thread ("Roten Faden") is the Blue Thread ("Blaue Faden"). This tour takes you through the "Calenberger Neustadt", the second oldest district of Hanover. A corresponding booklet is available at the Tourist Information Office for 3 EUR.