Party and Fun in Heidelberg
Good places in Heidelberg (Germany) for fun and party at night. From music clubs to discotheques. Meet the locals.

Dark, small club / dance bar in Heidelberg downtown (near the Eckstein). Using a tiny narrow spiral staircase leads to the vaulted cellar in the style of an old wine cellar. Technically, you can hear music from Rock to Alternative to the latest hits. The DJ can but in any case, talk with him. :) This is the best address for those who like it cozy, family atmosphere and who avoid chichi clubs. :)

Lower Street
Untere Strasse
The "Untere Straße" (lower street) in Heidelberg is a typical side street in the Old Town. You will find there a lot of bars and pubs. Very good to go out in the evening and have some beers.