Train Stations in Ilmenau
The train/railway station of Ilmenau (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Ilmenau-Pörlitzer Höhe Railway Station
Bahnhof Ilmenau-Pörlitzer Höhe
One of the three railway stations in Ilmenau (Germany).

Ilmenau-Roda Railway Station
Bahnhof Ilmenau-Roda
One of the three station in Ilmenau (Germany). Note: the trains stop only on request!!!

Ilmenau-Bad Railway Station
Bahnhof Ilmenau-Bad
This stop is used in irregular intervals for "museum tours" with restored steam locomotives on the track of the previous "Rennsteigbahn".

Ilmenau Railway Station
Bahnhof Ilmenau
One of the three still active railway stations in Ilmenau (Germany). Coming from the direction of Erfurt, the train first stops in "Ilmenau-Roda" (stop only on request), then "Ilmenau-Pörlitzer Höhe" and finally here at "Ilmenau Bahnhof" which is the city centre.