Train Stations in Kaunas
The train/railway station of Kaunas (Lithuania). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Kaunas Railway Station
Kauno geležinkelio stotis
The railway station of Kaunas (Lithuania): Kauno geležinkelio stotis.

Kaunas Airport
Kauno oro uostas
The airport of Kaunas (Lithuania): Kauno oro uostas. Take the bus to the city center. I personally made bad experiences with the taxis.

Kaunas Bus Station
Kauno autobusų stotis
The bus station of Kaunas (Lithuania): Kauno autobusų stotis. Reconstruction of the old bus terminal in the street: Vytauto pr.24 The temporary bus station is in front of the shopping centre Akropolis (about 5 minutes walk away) in the Gedimino and Griunvaldo streets. International buses departs from the parking in front of Karmelitų church, Gedimino street 1.