Train Stations in Kiel
The train/railway station of Kiel (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Kiel Central Railway Station
Hauptbahnhof Kiel
The train station is centrally located in Kiel. The bus station is directly in front of the train station. Also the ferries are easy to reach on foot. There are lockers, toilets and a variety of bakeries, restaurants, etc. The shopping center "Sophienhof" is also very close! The station is with up to 24,000 travelers per day the second largest railway station in Schleswig-Holstein. It is the starting point for the routes to Hamburg, Husum, Flensburg and Luebeck.

The Norwegenkai in Kiel (Germany) is the ferry port for the Color Line ferries from Kiel to Oslo. The "Color Fantasy" and the "Color Magic". You can easily walk to the ferry terminal within less than 10 minutes from the railway station.

The Schwedenkai in Kiel (Germany) is the ferry port for the Stena Line ferries from Kiel to Gothenburg. You can easily walk to the ferry terminal within 10 minutes from the railway station.

Kiel Bus Station
Zentraler Omnibus Bahnhof Kiel - ZOB
The central bus station (ZOB) of Kiel (Germany). It is 1 minute from the railway station by foot and 10 minutes to the ferry terminals.

Suchsdorf Railway Station
Bahnhof Suchsdorf
The railway station Suchsdorf, Kiel (Germany): Bahnhof Suchsdorf.