Accommodation in Koblenz
Hotels and hostels in Koblenz (Germany). How and where to book the cheapest and best accommodation. Recommended by travellers.

Youth Hostel Koblenz - Fortress Ehrenbreitstein
Jugendherberge Koblenz - Festung Ehrenbreitstein
The Youth Hostel Fortress Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz was recently renovated. It is located above the town. The hostel is located on the grounds of the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein. From there, you have a fantastic view of the city and region. The hostel offers: 157 beds in 1 -, 2 -, 4 - and dormitory rooms. All rooms with shower / WC. [b]Note![/b] In Germany a membership in the Youth Hostel Association is required to get access to the hostel facilities. [b]How to reach of the hostel in Coblence[/b] Getting to the hostel is possible in various ways. Main Station ("Hauptbahnhof") Koblenz (do not mix it with "Koblenz Stadmitte"!). From there take bus number 9, 10, 116 or 460 to stop "Obertal/Schrägaufzug". Opposite is the entrance to the funicular. A ride on the funicular costs for guests DJH 3.00 EUR (per adult) and 1.50 EUR (for children / adolescents). There are two options available for visitors of DJH (Youth Hostel organization): "DJH" and "DJH Tür (door)". Unfortunately, there is no explanation to it. But you should choose on the arrival and departure "DJH Tür (door)" or you'll have a problem with the baggage that that is not fit through the turnstile. If you are traveling without baggage, you may well go to the ferry Ehrenbreitstein and then cross over. For holders of a day pass of the Koblenz local traffic operators, the ferry ride is free. Otherwise 2,00 EUR. Watch out! The ferry runs only until 18:55 h. Or you can use the cable car. Single ticket 6,00 EUR for adults and a return ticket 8.00 EUR (as an evening ticket 5,50 EUR). It should be noted that the cable car operates only during the period 10:00 to 19:00 h.