Train Stations in Kölpinsee
The train/railway station of Kölpinsee (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Loddin-Kölpinsee Railway Station
Bahnhof Loddin-Kölpinsee
Loddin is one of the four so-called "Bernsteinbäder" (amber pools) on the island of Usedom. The villages of Loddin, Kölpinsee and Stubbenfelde are together together the municipality of Loddin. It is located in the central part of the island of Usedom on a very narrow isthmus between the open Baltic Sea and the backwaters. The place is located on the route of the UBB railway (Usedomer Bäderbahn) which runs between Stralsund and Polish Świnoujście. The station of the above explained municipality is "Bahnhof Kölpinsee". At the train station there is a bakery with a small cafe. Cross the intersection to get to the "Haus des Gastes" and also an Edeka supermarket is next door.