Train Stations in Landstuhl
The train/railway station of Landstuhl (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Landstuhl Train Station
Bahnhof Landstuhl
The train station of Landstuhl (Germany). Closest railway station to Ramstein Air Base for long-distance trains in direction of Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, ... From Landstuhl there are as well direct regional trains to Kaiserslautern (K-Town), Mannheim and Heidelberg. Ticket machine available at the station. Use it for the local trains (Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Mannheim, Heidelberg) For long-distance trains (Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, ...) I recommend to buy your tickets online. Click the blue shopping cart (see box bellow), to find special prices. These tickets are e-tickets. Buy and print out at home. Very easy, very save.