Sightseeing in Leipzig
Sightseeing in Leipzig (Germany). What you have to visit at your stay in Leipzig.

A walking tour of a special kind in Leipzig - a stroll through passages
[Translated to English by Google - will be reviewed soon] In Leipzig, I did a city tour, which I want to recommend you. The tickets we bought at the Tourist Information (not at advertising people on the road). There was a round trip for lunch (1330 h). Time: 2.5 hours. Costs: 15 EUR. The advantage of this city tour is that it is bilingual (German / English). You will see a lot ... In house I have taken a stroll through passages to which I would like to elaborate upon. The famous Mädlerpassage (it is next to Specks Hof - as some passages in Paris or the famous passage in Milan - the most remarkable passages in Europe) is probably every reader / every reader a notion. But there are still 24 other passages ... It was the second attempt to explore the passages of Leipzig. For the first attempt I had sought out information from the Internet. Now I had bought the book "The Leipzig passages" by Wolfgang Hocquél. This book is a clear map, and the passages are included - giving the street and house number - each described briefly. This book was very useful to me! Note: Locally, it is not easy to get this book. The best previously been ordered on the Internet. Otherwise: In Leipzig, ask for the "Lehmann's Bookstore". There you will get it. FYI: Three key criteria limits the passages related to buildings from: - The glass roof - Symmetrically drawn into the building street facades - Two or more roads connecting pedestrian Before the Second World War there were 44 through courtyards and passages in Leipzig. During the Second World War the majority of passages in Germany was destroyed. Today there are still 25 in Leipzig through courtyards and passages. It is possible to distinguish different types of buildings. First a note: I have visited all the passages, but will not write anything at all. Therefore, some is just simply listed. 01) Promenade Station Created in 1995 to 1997. Well done, but not a classic arcade. 02) Arcade-Bruehl Created in 1998. Inserted into the new building of the Marriott hotel. 03) Steibs court Here I found a small flaw of its guides. If you are looking Steibs court as No. 3 on (and this one does from the direction Brühl), then you will not find it. It is only the Dussmann passage. Dare you look into this, it comes in the courtyards of leaves and yard Steibs Steibs courtyard on the classical side of Nicholas Street. Will you then to No. 4, so one must go back a few steps. Therefore, I would recommend to replace the numbers 3 and 4, ie only the "blue pike" from its popular street to look at her and then "Steibs court." But this is my personal opinion. If I should run this tour again, I would change the route here is minimal. Steibs court created in 1907 and renovated in 1997th Inside even well done, but not now sooo spectacular, but the facade is already worth a photo! 04) Passage "Blue Pike" The "Blue Pike" I would have never found without the book. There is no passage of turn or so. I'm up and expired. Only the fact that the house numbers in the book (Nicholas Street 39 - 45) are indicated with, I managed the "blue pike" to locate them. The "Blue Pike" is actually only visible sign of his house - a blue pike! Walking through this small passage leads are still only in a backyard on a plate and can meander over to the national highway. Makes little sense. I can not imagine that this will be in the next few years, made even more attractive. I would come soon with guests here, I would point to the house of character, the passage does not go on but. The facade of the "Blue Pike" by the way seems to quite modern, but comes from the years 1911/12. 05) Oelßners court Created in the 1907 / 1908th It is beautiful for sure, if it is redeveloped times. But just this reorganization, the object is still waiting. Currently the gate is locked with a chain. I wish the city of Leipzig, that something is happening here soon. 06) Passage "to cow" Again, a new, modern arcade. Created in 1995 to 1997. Consider this value: a sunken Clock. If you leave the Strohsackpassage toward Knight Street, located directly opposite another entrance, which suggests a passage. Unfortunately this is not, but a large complex, which belongs to the university. Too bad that there may not enter into the courtyard. 07) Passage Theatre in Kroch skyscraper The theater is rather inconspicuous passage. I had long ago been there before. At the last visit but I did miss them, too. Can serve as a guide: Where is the knight on the right road for business "Culinaris" because the theater is on the left passage. First mention of the passage was to the theater in 1880. The skyscraper was built (by the way, the first skyscraper in the city) in 1927/28. *** At this point I allow myself a slot *** If I were to stay in Leipzig, then I would probably do in the new "Motel One". It has a great location! And while in the middle of town - right on the square with Church of St. Nicholas, Specks Hof and the restaurant "Old Nikolai School". Accommodation is available from 59 EUR. 08) Speck's Hof Specks Hof is (according to my guide passages), the oldest surviving arcade in Leipzig. Created in three phases namely 1908/09, 1911 and 1928/29. Renovated in 1993/95. Specks Hof is - in my opinion - one of the passages that really has flavor. This passage should be watched for sure! Specks in the courtyard there is a café Kandler. The "right" Kandler Café is located at the St. Thomas Church, however. (The "mother house" so to speak.) 09) Hansa House Located in the complex with the bacon yard. 10) Mädlerpassage Created in 1912/14. The Mädlerpassage is even now THE passage in general. So you have to be here also have been in any case (no matter whether in the context of a detailed passages, or just stroll through a normal city stroll). Known is the Mädlerpassage be because there are "Auerbach's Keller" is. 11) passage in the royal family Originally created in 1560. Reconstruction in the years 1706/07. Finding new uses as Palace Exhibition in 1932. The demolition of the Baroque state was in the mid 90s. The author writes in his book that in the interior of the passage of the projecting windows after the hall-like extension on both sides were galleries, which served as cafes. These cafes led white marble steps, which are in the hall area to the left and right still remains. He further said that it would be desirable to produce the large urban elegance of the solution in 1932 with the impressive gallery cafe again, especially so because it was unique and had an outstanding amenity value. And then when I look at the photo "Interior of the Royal House passage before 1945" look ... Perfectly! That should give it back! 12) Messehofpassage Created in 1949/50. Rebuilt in 2004/06. Here in the way I put up a Messehofpassage first break. The Darboven coffee shop seemed the right place for a second breakfast. Equipped with a latte and a crostini-range (recommended), I made myself comfortable. To bear in mind I admit that the stay actually in the passage just on hot summer days is recommended, otherwise one should distort the interior of this dining establishment, because it is absolutely drafty. However, one can also sit on the first floor, where it is determined well (especially if you can grab a window seat). 13) and passage in the Municipal Court department store Created 1740 to 1744. Reconstruction 1893-1901 (in three phases). Reconstruction 1987th After the turn sold the building trade and the repair has been taken over by a private investor. In the courtyard there is a restaurant. Determines where you can sit comfortably. I have not tested it this time because I had taken just minutes before my second breakfast. It looked really nice out there. What I missed in my tour - how embarrassing! - As of 26/08/2005 there is the "Avenue of the Stars" here. It will be issued plastic palm prints (in illuminated Epoxidharzwürfeln) of celebrities from around the world (including photo and autograph) that were at least once in Leipzig. Oops! I have to look again when I'm back. 14) Fair Dresden court house Dedicated to 1913th Rebuilt 1999th Today there is a retirement village. 15) Stenzlers court Created 1914 to 1916. Renovated in 1994/95. Dapper: the early Baroque box bay window in the courtyard. Unfortunately, it seems a bit lifeless, because the business at the box bay window is currently empty. 16) Petersbogen A brand new, very modern arcade. In the years between 1999 and 2001, here is a still closed from the second world war existing vacant lot. As I read the passage to be extended later to the castle square. Right now I can not take as much of this passage. I'll come back again later ... PS: Who should be on the lookout for the Maggi Cooking Studio, will find it here. And a large cinema is also located upstairs. 17) in the courtyard Bauwenshaus Located off the beaten track a bit. War after war wasteland with no buildings, and became a turning point for the building site. I think it's nothing special came about. If I were to make the tour, I could make this complex a clear conscience before the outside. 18) Market Gallery The recent passage of the Leipzig! Built between 2002 and 2005. The design of the lighting we have found particularly successful. Shopping tip: The Market Gallery is located e.g. Goethe and the Chocolate Factory. 19) crafts Passage Built in 1845/46. Renovated in 1997/98. A door leads directly to the streets barefoot, the Leipzig pub district. 20) passage in King Albert House The result 1913th 21) Barthel's yard Built 1747 to 1750. Rebuilt in 1870/71. Renovation 1997th In the courtyard there is a restaurant where you can sit comfortably designed. 22) Weber's yard The result 1875th Renovated in 1995 and 1997 (built it back to the state by 1662). Since the reorganization associated with Barthel's yard. 23) Large Joachimsthal Built in 1896/1906. 24) Blue and gold star / Kretschmann farm The result 1910/12 (at least from the St. Catherine's street side; for Hain road side I have found no information). Half of the passage (Catherine Street) at the time of my visit construction sites, so that the passage was not accessible. 25) Passage in the Jägerhof Created from 1911 to 1914 and from 1919 to 1920 (access from the street or grove. Access from the Great Fleischergasse) The renovation was carried out in the mid 90s. My two companions (young people), this passage was well known as it is where a movie theater. Conclusion *** *** All 25 passages in one day ... yes, you can make it. However, it can absorb the details for after about half way. If I would do the tour again, I would probably go in the opposite direction. Otherwise, you could also leave out a few passages that have nothing to offer basically simple. But generally you do not know that even before. Or if you have a lot of time, one could divide the passages just walk over two days. Then there would still good time to sit in the cafe several times. I'll definitely be back. By then, if not only farm but also Kretschmann Oelßners yard shine in new splendor.

A walk through the Forest-Road-District (Waldstraßenviertel) of Leipzig
Ein Spaziergang durch das Waldstraßenviertel Leipzig
The Waldstraßenviertel (Forest-Road-District) in Leipzig (Germany) is probably an unique ensemble of ancient houses. It is an architectural monument of world importance.

A walk through the Musikviertel of Leipzig
Ein Spaziergang durch das Musikviertel Leipzig
In the Musikviertel you can - as in Waldstrassenviertel - find beautiful facades of ancient houses. Note: The Karl-Tauchnitz-Street. surrounds the Musikviertel.

Leipzig round trip in 2,5 hours
Leipzig-Rundfahrt in 2,5 Stunden
If you are in Leipzig for the first time, or if you do not have a lot of time to spent in Leipzig, I recommend to make use of this city tour. It starts every day at 13:30 h, available in English and German language. I did it with friends and it was great.