Train Stations in Liege
The train/railway station of Liege (Belgium). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Liege-Guillemins Railway Station
Gare de Liège-Guillemins
The railway station of Liege (Belgium): Liège-Guillemins.

Train Station Liège-Palais
Gare de Liège-Palais
Liège-Palais is another train station in Liege, a lot smaller than Liège Guillemins, but right in the center of the city.That station can be reached by a lot of trains from Liège Guillemins (every train going through Liège Guillemins in direction of Liers or Herstal). There is approximatively 4 or 5 trains/hour. When coming out of the station, you turn right and go down, and find the heart of the old city. Also quite close to the Carré (the night-life area), lots of museums, shopping centers, opera house, theaters and the like ...

Station Liège-Jonfosse
Train Station Liège-Jonfosse
This is the smallest station in Liège, with only local trains stopping. It is situated near the city centre, and easily reachable by foot. Especially useful to quickly join (well, if you catch a train) the big railway station, Liège-Guillemins from the city centre.