Train Stations in Lyon
The train/railway station of Lyon (France). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Lyon Part-Dieu Railway Station
Gare Lyon Part-Dieu
The Lyon Part-Dieu train station. The Lyon Part-Dieu train station is supposed to be the most important railway station of the French city of Lyon, and thus on the ranking even higher than the Lyon Perrache Station (more centrally located and until the opening of the Part-Dieu the main station of Lyon). Part-Dieu train station replaced the Lyon-Brotteaux whose very beautiful historic building you still can see - at least from the outside. The Lyon Part-Dieu train station is a TGV station and major hub, but not all TGV stop here. Some TGV hold exclusively at the other station.

Lyon-Perrache Railway Station
Gare de Lyon-Perrache
The railway station Lyon Perrache (France): Gare Lyon Perrache.

Airport Lyon Saint-Exupéry
Aéroport Lyon Saint-Exupéry
The airport of Lyon (France): Aéroport Lyon Saint-Exupéry.

Airport Lyon-Saint Exupéry TGV Railway Station
Gare de Lyon-Saint-Exupéry TGV
The railway station at the airport of Lyon (Lyon-Saint-Exupéry). Station of the French high-speed train TGV.

Saint Paul Railway Station
Gare Saint Paul
The train station Saint-Paul is located in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon.