Sightseeing in Madrid
Sightseeing in Madrid (Spain). What you have to visit at your stay in Madrid.

Chamberi station
Andén Cero, Estación de Chamberí
This old metro station, now a free entrance museum tell you everything about public transport in the capital. The old station still in tact in old style is a great place to visit. Metro's still run by the station. You can walk around the platform and feel as if you are in a movie.

Royal Palace of Madrid
Palacio Real de Madrid
The Palacio Real is as the name says it translated, the Royal Palace of the Spanish royal family. Those use the City Palace for representation purposes and for state receptions. The palace looks very impressive and is definitely worth a visit, especially the green space in front invites you to make a little break. Located next to the Royal Palace is located the Almudena Cathedral.