Train Stations in Marburg
The train/railway station of Marburg (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Marburg Railway Station
Bahnhof Marburg
The railway station of Marburg (Germany). The Marburg railway station is one of the approximately 235 German railway stations, which belongs to category 3. These are mainly central stations of small to medium-sized cities. The number of travelers is accordingly usually big. The Marburg Station was opened in 1909. The building dates back to the era of neo-baroque. A special feature is the decorated with colorful mosaics underpass. The station has six tracks and is used daily by about 12 000 passengers daily.

Marburg-Süd Railway Station
Bahnhof Marburg-Süd
The railway station Marburg-Süd (Germany) is one of about 1,000 German railway stations of category 5, which are mainly used by commuters and are therefore usually equipped only with basics.