Train Stations in Melsungen
The train/railway station of Melsungen (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Melsungen Railway Station
Bahnhof Melsungen
The railway station of Melsungen (Germany): Bahnhof Melsungen.

Melsungen-Bartenwetzerbrücke Railway Station
Bahnhof Melsungen-Bartenwetzerbrücke
The railway station Melsungen-Bartenwetzerbrücke (Germany) is one of about 2,500 German railway stations of category 6 and provides a basic supply in public transport. The infrastructure is reduced to a minimum. This station is perfectly located to visit the city of Melsungen. It is only a 300 metres walk to the pedestrian zone, the city hall, the tourist info, etc.

Melsungen-Röhrenfurth Railway Station
Bahnhof Melsungen-Röhrenfurth
The railway station Melsungen-Röhrenfurth (Germany) is one of about 2,500 German railway stations of category 6 and provides a basic supply in public transport. The infrastructure is reduced to a minimum.