Moldova by train
How to travel in Moldova by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
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Moldova -
Travel from Moldova to Romania by overnight train on the route from Chisinau to Bucharest. The journey time is 13 hours. The train ticket price starts from 25 EUR. The train route runs via Ungheni (Moldova) and Iași (Romania).
The overnight train Chisinau to Bucharest offers the following service categories:
- 2nd class: 4-berth compartments. The ticket price 135 RON (28 EUR).
- 1st class: 2-berth compartments. The ticket price 290 RON (60 EUR).
The departure time in Chisinau is 17:00. The arrival time in Bucharest is 06:00.
Additionally there are local trains from Ungheni (Moldova) across the border to Iași (Romania). Regular train connections are available from Chisinau to to Ungheni.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Moldova -
To travel from Moldova to Russia by train, buy your train ticket via one of the given booking links or locally at a train station in Moldova.
There are daily overnight trains available from Chisinau (Moldova) via Ukraine to Moscow (Russia).
Moldova -
Travel from Moldova to Ukraine by direct train. There exist train connections from Chisinau to Kiev and Odessa.
From Chisinau to Kiev the journey time is 13 hours. The ticket price starts from 30 EUR in a couchette and from 50 EUR in a sleeper-wagon. There are three train connections daily.
From Chisinau to Odessa the journey time is four hours. The ticket price starts from 8 EUR. This train connection usually runs on weekends.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.