Accommodation in Nordhausen
Hotels and hostels in Nordhausen (Germany). How and where to book the cheapest and best accommodation. Recommended by travellers.

Youth Hostel Nordhausen
Jugendherberge Nordhausen
The Youth Hostel in Nordhausen offers 130 beds in 32 rooms. Main House: 11 rooms (3-8 beds), all with modern bathroom facilities on the corridor, 3 officials rooms, some with shower / WC, New building: 12 x 6-bed rooms including 6-room fully accessible, 6 teachers rooms All rooms in the building are equipped with shower / WC. You can reach the hostel from the Nordhausen train station by tram line 1. Go until stop "Nordbrand", where you have to change to tram line 2 towards "Parkallee". Exit at stop "Am Altentor". If you go on foot, it will take about 20 minutes. *** Important Note! *** In Germany, it is necessary to have a membership in the Youth Hostel Association to be allowed to use the facilities of the hostel.