North Korea by train
How to travel in North Korea by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
train company
North Korea -
Travel from North Korea to China by train. There are four direct trains per week from Pyongyang to Beijing. The journey time is 24 hours. This route seems to be open for individual travellers.
The departure days in Pyongyang are: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The departure time of train K28 in Pyongyang is 09:55. The arrival time in Beijing is 08:40 the next day. The train offers beds as accommodation. A Chinese dining wagon is available at the territory of china. Only Chinese cash is accepted.
A second train connection runs daily between Pyongyang and Dandong (China). The journey time is 7 hours. The departure time in Pyongyang is 09:55. The arrival time in Dandong is 16:20.
North Korea -
Travel from North Korea to Russia by train. There is once per week one overnight train from Pyongyang to Moscow.
Twice per month by the North Korean state railways from Pyongyang to Moscow. And twice per month by the Russian state railways from Tumangang to Moscow. Tumangang is the border station between Russia and North Korea, located in North Korea. From Tumangang you have a direct connection to Pyongyang.
Since 2017 it seems to be possible for individual travellers to enter North Korea via this route. But your organized trip in North Korea has to fit the departure/arrival times of the trains from/to Moscow.