Culture in Novi Sad
Culture to see and visit in Novi Sad (Serbia). From events to old, culturally significant buildings.

Matica srpska
Матица српска
Der Galerie von Matica Srpska wurde 1847 unter der Schirmherrschaft der Matica Srpska in Pest gegründet (ehemals Teil von Budapest, Ungarn). Sie ist die älteste kulturelle, literarische und wissenschaftliche Institution des serbischen Volkes.

Petrovaradin Fortress
Петроварадинска тврђава
The Petrovaradin Fortress was built between 1692 and 1780 by military engineers of Austro-Hungarian Empire. There are clubs and cafés on the Fortress which are part of the atmosphere. EXIT, the biggest and the best music festival in Europe, takes place at the Fortress in summer making it one more reason to visit this cultural monument.