Train Stations in Oberursel
The train/railway station of Oberursel (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Oberursel Railway Station
Bahnhof Oberursel
The railway station of Oberursel (Germany) is one of about 630 German railway stations of category 4, which are strongly influenced by the regional and urban transport. The travelers are mostly commuters with a short stay time at the station. The infrastructure provides seating and weather protection. Oberursel railway station was voted as "station of the year 2013" in the category small-town-stations.

Oberursel-Stierstadt Railway Station
Bahnhof Oberursel-Stierstadt
The railway station of Oberursel-Stierstadt is one of about 1,000 German railway stations of category 5, which are mainly used by commuters and are therefore usually equipped with basic infrastructure.

Oberursel-Weißkirchen-Steinbach Railway Station
Bahnhof Oberursel-Weißkirchen-Steinbach
The railway station Oberursel-Weißkirchen/Steinbach (Germany) is one of about 1,000 German railway stations of category 5, which are mainly used by commuters and are therefore usually equipped with basic infrastructure.