Nice Places in Paderborn
Find nice places in Paderborn (Germany), to stay and relax. Often located beside the beaten main tourist tracks.

Walk along the shortest river of Germany
Spaziergang am kürzesten Fluss Deutschlands
The river Pader is a tributary of the river Lippe. With a length of only about four kilometers, the Pader is considered as the shortest river in German. It flows along its entire length in the city of Paderborn (between the city center, where several sources are, and Schloss Neuhaus). After the confluence of different sources, the Pader flows through a park, called "Paderanlagen". At the halfway mark between the city center and castle is the Padersee lake. Near the Schloss Neuhaus the Pader flows into the river Lippe. PS: Those who do not like to walk the whole route in return can also use a bus.

Washerwoman sculptures
This sculpture was sponsored by the Sparkasse. It is dedicated to the women of Paderborn who washed and bleached their clothes on the "Warmen Pader" in the 50s. In my eyes a very good work of art.