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Train Stations in Pößneck
The train/railway station of Pößneck (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.
GermanyPössneck Unterer Bahnhof Railway Station
Bahnhof Pössneck Unterer Bahnhof
The "Untere Bahnhof" in Pössneck (Germany) is served by the "Elster-Saale-Bahn" with connection to Jena.
Pössneck Oberer Bahnhof Railway Station
Bahnhof Pössneck Oberer Bahnhof
The "Obere Bahnhof" in Pössneck is served by the "Elster-Saale-Bahn". In one direction to Saalfeld - in the other via Gera, Zeitz to Leipzig