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Train Stations in Prien am Chiemsee
The train/railway station of Prien am Chiemsee (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Prien am Chiemsee Railway Station
Bahnhof Prien am Chiemsee
The railway station of Prien am Chiemsee (Germany): Bahnhof Prien am Chiemsee.

Port of Prien am Chiemsee
Hafen von Prien am Chiemsee
The port of Prien am Chiemsee (Germany): Hafen von Prien am Chiemsee. The Chiemsee railways (Chimsee-Bahn) connects the two kilomters between the railway station and the port (EUR 3,70 return ticket). From the port departure of the Chimsee ships (Chimseeschifffahrt).