Other locations in Rendsburg
More locations in Rendsburg (Germany), which does not fit in one of the other categories.

Schiffsbegrüßungsanlage Rendsburg
The Kiel Canal (Nord-Ostsee-Kanal) is THE highlight in Rendsburg. The Kiel Canal is the busiest shipping lane in the world. It connects the Elbe and the North Sea with the Baltic Sea. With a total length of 98.6 km, from Brunsbuttel in the west to Holtenau in the east. Good to know: information about the ships in the Kiel Canal is obtained in the ship welcoming station at the Rendsburg railway bridge and the Transporter Bridge. Each ship is presented exactly - the greeters say where it comes from and where it goes to. After that the national anthem is played from the country of origin of the ship. The captains greet back with the ship horn.