Train Stations in Saas-Grund
The train/railway station of Saas-Grund (Switzerland). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Saas-Grund Post Bus Station
Bushaltestelle Saas-Grund Post
The bus stop Saas-Grund Post (Switzerland): Bushaltestelle Saas-Grund Post.

Station Kreuzboden of the Hohsaas cableway. The cableway rents trotti bikes for a 10km run down. ALL cableways and buses in the Saas valley are for free when you stay for 2 days or longer!!!

There's a 'Rundweg Hohsaas, 18 Viertausenders' for about 40 minutes walk. On this route information about all the 4000 methers hight mountains and mountain tops that can be seen from here is given! It's difficulty should be marked as moderate for all the rocks, but it is doable. ALL cableways and buses in the Saas valley are for free when you stay for 2 days or longer!!!