Train Stations in San Sebastián
The train/railway station of San Sebastián (Spain). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

San Sebastián-Donostia Railway Station
Estación de Tren de San Sebastián-Donostia
The main Renfe station in San Sebastián (Spain) is located near the old city centre: Estación de Tren de San Sebastián-Donostia. Several long and short distance trains depart here. There is the local Cercanías service from Brinkola to Irun(French border). You can consider taking the Euskotren service to Hendaya on the other side of the border. Local trains run from Irun to Miranda de Ebro and Vitoria/Gasteiz. Long distance Alvia trains run to and from Madrid Chamartin and Barcelona Sants. The Trenhotel Surex to Lisboa starts its journey in Irun and also stops in San Sebastián. There is also a daily Arco train connection with A Coruña and Vigo in Galicia. This takes 11 h. 06 min.