Places for Travellers | Sesimbra
Travel related places in Sesimbra (Portugal). Information about public lockers, bicycle rent, tourist information, laundries and more.

Tourist Information Office in Sesimbra
Serviço de Informações Turisticas em Sesimbra
The Tourist Information Office in Sesimbra is located directly at Largo da Marinha directly opposite the fortress. Opening times: October-May: 09:30 to 13:00 h and 14:00 to 17:30 h June-September: 09:30 to 20:00 h Public toilets available.

Library of Sesimbra
Biblioteca de Sesimbra
In the library of Sesimbra, which is diagonally oposite of the bus station, free Internet is available. On the ground floor there are two computers available. You should not use them for more than 30 minutes. On the first floor there is a small coffee bar. Espresso for EUR 0.55 Clean toilets also available there. Important note: closed Sunday and Monday

Post Office of Sesimbra
Posto de Correios de Sesimbra
The post office of Sesimbra (Portugal).