Slovakia by train
How to travel in Slovakia by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Tickets for the private operators LE (Leo Express) and RJ (Regiojet) are also available online or at their ticket offices in railway stations.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
train types
night train
- D13/8861/8812 Kyiv - Košice
- D8813/8862/13 Košice - Kyiv
- EC 283/801 Prague - Prešov
- EN 40457 Berlin - Budapest
- EN 40476 Budapest - Berlin
- EN 407/477 Warsaw - Budapest
- EN 442 Humenné - Prague
- EN 443 Prague - Humenné
- EN 444 Košice - Prague
- EN 445 Prague - Košice
- EN 476/456/406 Budapest - Warsaw
- EN 60406 Vienna - Košice
- EN 60444 Košice - Vienna
- EN1252 Split - Bratislava
- EN1253 Bratislava - Split
- EN476/572 Budapest - Prague
- IC573/EN477 Prague - Budapest
- LE 1350 Košice - Prague
- LE 1367 Prague - Košice
- R 17614 Humenné - Bratislava
- R 614 Humenné - Bratislava
- R 615 Bratislava - Humenné
- R 800 Prešov - Bratislava
- R 800/282 Prešov - Prague
- R 801 Bratislava - Prešov
- RJ 1020 Humenné - Prague
- RJ 1021 Prague - Humenné
- RJ1044 Rijeka - Prague
- RJ1047 Prague - Rijeka
train connections
popular connections travelled by other users
search for train schedules here
Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
Slovakia - Austria
Travel from Slovakia to Austria on the main rail route from Bratislava to Vienna. There are frequent train connections available. The journey time from Bratislava to Vienna is one hour. Train tickets are available from 11 EUR.
To Bratislava you have excellent train connections from whole Slovakia. And from Vienna there are frequent train connections to every city in Austria.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Slovakia - Czech Republic
If you want to travel from Slovakia to the Czech Republic by train, buy your train ticket via one of the given booking links or locally at a train station in Slovakia.
There are several direct train connections available between the two bordering countries Slovakia and Czech Republic, also by night train.
Slovakia - Germany
Train tickets from Slovakia to Germany are available from Deutsche Bahn (German railways).
Buy these saver fare tickets "Sparpreis Europa" from 29 EUR. If your journey starts from a city in Slovakia where no saver fare ticket is available from, buy first a ticket of Slovak railways to a possible departure station. And from there a second train ticket to Germany.
Find exact train schedules and train ticket fares via the given booking links.
Between Slovakia and Czech Republic you will also find private express trains "Regiojet" and "Leo Express". They have very good offers which can be interesting for travelling between Slovakia and Germany if you buy two train tickets having a stopover along the way in Czech Republic.
Slovakia - Hungary
Travel from Slovakia to Hungary by direct trains on the route from Bratislava to Budapest. You will find frequent train connections with a journey time of 2:20 hours and a ticket price of 3.300 HUF (9,50 EUR).
There are as well train connections from Košice via Miskolc to Budapest.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your train tickets via the given booking websites.
Slovakia - Poland
If you want to travel from Slovakia to Poland by train, the best option is to take the route via the Czech Republic. A direct day train runs from Bratislava via Breclav, Ostrava and Katowice to Warsaw and night trains run from Bratislava on the same route to Krakow and Warsaw. In Ostrava there are connections from Zilina - Kosice to Poland.
Alternatively you can travel between directly from Slovakia to Poland via the Skalite - Zwardon border crossing. However, there are only slow regional trains running there. Another border crossing is between Medzilaborce and Lupkow however there are only two trains at summer weekends. Another option is to take a bus from Poprad across the High Tatra mountains to Zakopane.
Tickets are only available at train stations. Special advance fares are available as well at stations in Slovakia
Slovakia - Ukraine
Travel from Slovakia to Ukraine by direct train. There are two daily trains crossing the border at Cierna nad Tisou to Chop. One of these trains is the overnight train from Bratislava and Prague to Lviv and Kiev.
You can buy ticket on the websites of Slovakian and Ukrainian railways. One train ticket from Slovakia to Chop. And a second train ticket from Chop to your travel destination in Ukraine.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.