Train Stations in Soltau
The train/railway station of Soltau (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Soltau Railway Station
Bahnhof Soltau
The railway station in Soltau (Germany): Bahnhof Soltau.

Wolterdingen Railway Station
Bahnhof Wolterdingen
The railway station of Wolterdingen, Soltau (Germany): Bahnhof Wolterdingen.

Soltau-Nord Railway Station
Bahnhof Soltau-Nord
The railway station of Soltau (Germany) is one of about 900 German railway stations of category 7. Stations in this category are located in the countryside and have only a very simple infrastructure. Service personnel of the railway is not on site. The station is located on the so-called "Heidekreuz" (= Heide cross) and has connections to Bremen, Hannover, Uelzen and Buchholz.